Ohio’s Scholarship Programs

TherapyWorks is proud to be a provider for both the Autism Scholarship and the Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship.

In order to utilize those options, your child needs to have an IEP in place through your district of residence and be enrolled either in a private school or as a homeschool student. We’re happy to help you navigate this process if it’s new to you! 

Renewal documents and our 2024-2025 school calendar can be found below.

Ohio’s Autism Scholarship

The Autism Scholarship Program (ASP) gives the parents of children with autism who qualify for a scholarship the choice to send the child to a special education program other than the one operated by the school district of residence to receive their education and the services outlined in the child’s individualized education program (IEP).

Click here to learn more about the ASP on Ohio’s website.

Ohio’s Jon Peterson Scholarship

The Jon Peterson Special Needs (JPSN) Scholarship Program provides scholarships to students who are eligible to attend kindergarten through 12th grade and have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) from their district. The amount of each scholarship will be based on the primary disability condition identified on the student’s Evaluation Team Report (ETR). Students must be enrolled in the scholarship program for the entire program year to receive the full scholarship amount.

Click here to learn more about the JPSN on Ohio’s website.

Scholarship policy manual

ASP application 2024-2025

JPSN application 2024-2025

2024-2025 Scholarship calendar

Acceptable forms of address proof

ASP FAPE comparison